Legal Notice

    Details according to §5 of the German Digital Services Act (DDG) and §§ 2, 3 of the German Ordinance on Service Providers' Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV)

    The content on the website is provided by the following companies:

    Eidel & Partner mbB

    Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (Auditing firm)
    Steuerberatungsgesellschaft (Tax consultancy firm)

    Eidel Audit GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

    (Auditing firm)

    Eidel Consulting GmbH

    Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft (Management Consulting firm)

    Eidel Valuation & Assurance GmbH

    Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (Auditing firm)

    Mittelbadische Treuhand GmbH

    Treuhandgesellschaft (Trusteeship firm)

    More information about the companies can be found below.


    Eidel & Partner mbB,   

    eyeworkers interactive GmbH, Hübschstr. 23, 76135 Karlsruhe, 

    blickwürdig, Schwarzwaldstraße 60, 76532 Baden-Baden,

    Fotografie Jigal Fichtner, Wilhelmstr. 19, 77654 Offenburg,; Christian Koch, Hafenstraße 3, 77694 Kehl,


    The content of this website has been produced to the best of our knowledge and level of awareness. It is only intended as general information and cannot take the place of qualified advice. It does not represent advice - of a legal or any other form - and should not be used as such. Eidel & Partner mbB cannot be held responsible for damage of any kind resulting from or linked to use of the information provided here, be this direct, indirect or follow-on damage. We reserve the right to change the information provided on our website without notice. All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

    Eidel & Partner mbB


    Berliner Strasse 56
    77694 Kehl am Rhein
    Tel.: +49 7851 748-10
    Fax: +49 7851 748-190
    Form of organisation: Partnergesellschaft mit beschränkter Berufshaftung
    Company headquarters: Kehl am Rhein
    Registration court: Freiburg District Court PR 370005
    VAT ID (§ 27a of Value Added Tax Act): DE 171303871


    Dipl.-Kfm. Mathias Bandle, auditor / tax consultant

    Dipl.-Kfm. Andreas Eidel, auditor / tax consultant

    Dipl.-Betriebsw. (BA) Wilfried Huber, auditor / tax consultant

    Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Michael Strickmann, auditor / tax consultant 

    Dipl.-Kfm. Walter Raub, sworn accountant / tax consultant (until 01/2020)

    Professional accreditation and supervisory bodies

    The auditors and sworn accountants in the company are members of the:
    Rauchstrasse 26
    10787 Berlin

    The tax consultants in the company are members of the:

    Steuerberaterkammer Südbaden
    Wentzingerstrasse 19
    79106 Freiburg im Breisgau

    The Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (German Chamber of Public Accounts) and Steuerberaterkammer Südbaden (Chamber of Tax Consultants for South Baden) are the supervisory bodies responsible for these professionals.

    The titles Wirtschaftsprüfer (auditor) (WP), vereidigter Buchprüfer (sworn accountant) (vBP) and Steuerberater (tax consultant) (StB) have been granted in the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of the authoritative professional regulations of the German Public Accounts Act (WPO) and the German Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG).

    Professional regulations


    Auditors and sworn accountants

    • The position of auditor or sworn accountant is subject to the following professional regulations:
    • German Public Accounts Act (WPO)
    • Professional Statutes for Auditors / Sworn Accountants (BS WP / vBP)
    • Statutes for Quality Control
    • Regulation on Document Seals (Siegel VO)
    • German Regulation on Auditors' Professional Liability Insurance (WPBHV)

    Tax consultants

    The position of tax consultant is subject to the following professional regulations:

    • German Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG)
    • Implementing Regulation on the German Tax Consultancy Act (DVStBerG)
    • Code of Conduct for Tax Consultants (BOStB)
    • Tax Consultants’ Scale of Fees (StBVV)

    The authoritative professional regulations for auditors and sworn accountants can be viewed at and regulations for tax consultants at

    Avoiding conflicts of interest during multidisciplinary work

    Auditors and tax consultants are prohibited from representing contradictory interests on the grounds of their professional regulations. Before accepting a mandate, they must therefore check whether a possible conflict of interests exists which requires them to turn down the mandate.

    Professional indemnity insurance

    The company has professional indemnity insurance as stipulated in §54 of the German Public Accounts Act (WPO) and §67 of the German Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG) with HDI-Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherung AG, Riethorst 2, 30659 Hannover, Germany. The limit of indemnity per claim is €4 000 000.
    The insurance protection covers Europe, Turkey, the Russian Federation and other states of the former Soviet Union and non-European sovereign territories of European States which are members of the EU or EEA.


    The fees charged for tax consultancy services upon appointment of the company are calculated following the regulations of the German Tax Consultants’ Scale of Fees (StBVV), unless deviating agreements are made. The fees for auditing services are established in individual agreements.

    General Terms and Conditions

    The company's services are provided on the basis of the regulations of the "General Terms of Engagement for German Public Auditors and Public Audit Firms" (AAB WP) in their currently valid version. A copy of the AAB WP can be obtained from the company's headquarters. They stipulate that only German law is applied to contractual relationships with the company.

    Mediation bodies

    In the event of disputes between the company and its clients, the possibility of out-of-court mediation with the mediation body for auditors ( or the mediation body for tax consultants ( can be requested.

    Eidel Audit GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

    Berliner Strasse 56
    77694 Kehl am Rhein
    Tel.: +49 7851 748-10
    Fax.: +49 7851-190

    Legal form: limited liability company

    Registered office: Kehl am Rhein, Germany

    Court of registration: Amtsgericht Freiburg HRB 370946

    VAT identification number (§ 27a UStG – German VAT law): DE 142257066

    Managing Director
    Betriebsw. (B.A.) Manuel Allgeier Certified Public Accountant I Tax Consultant
    Dipl.-Kfm. Mathias Bandle Chartered Accountant I Tax Consultant
    Dipl.-Volksw. Martin Brehm Chartered Accountant I Tax Consultant
    Dipl.-Kfm. Andreas Eidel Certified Public Accountant I Tax Consultant
    Dipl.-Betriebsw. (BA) Wilfried Huber Chartered Accountant I Tax Consultant
    Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Michael Strickmann Certified Public Accountant I Tax Consultant

    The professional titles of auditor (WP) and tax consultant (StB) were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of the authoritative professional regulations of the Auditors' Code (WPO) and the Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG).

    Registration and supervisory body

    The Company is registered as an auditing firm under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    The competent supervisory authority for the Company is:

    Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (Chamber of Public Accountants)

    Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts

    Rauchstraße 26

    10787 Berlin, Germany

    Recognition and professional supervision
    The Company is licensed as an auditing company under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Professional regulations

    The activity of a certified public accountant or sworn auditor is subject in particular to the following professional regulations: ▪ Professional regulations for auditors (WPO) ▪ Code of ethics for auditors/sworn auditors (BS WP/vBP) ▪ Statutes on quality control ▪ Regulation on document seals (Siegel VO) ▪ Regulation on professional liability insurance for auditors (WPBHV).

    Professional liability insurance

    The Company holds professional liability insurance as required by § 54 WPO with HDI-Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherung AG, Riethorst 2, 30659 Hanover, Germany. The insurance cover per insured event is EUR 1,000,000.00. The geographical scope of the insurance coverage extends to activities in Europe and Turkey.

    Information on fees

    Fees for auditing services are determined by individual agreement.

    General Terms and Conditions

    Provision of services by the Company is based on the provisions of the "Allgemeinen Auftragsbedingungen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften" (General Terms and Conditions of Engagement for Auditors and Auditing Firms) (AAB WP) in their most current version. The AAB WP are available at the Company’s registered office. They provide that exclusively German law shall apply to contractual relationships with the Company.

    Conciliation bodies

    In the event of disputes between the Company and its clients, out-of-court arbitration at the arbitration board for auditors ( is possible upon request.

    Eidel Consulting GmbH

    Berliner Strasse 56
    77694 Kehl am Rhein

    Tel.: +49 7851 748-10
    Fax: +49 7851 748-190
    Form of organisation: Limited liability company
    Company headquarters; Kehl am Rhein
    Registration court: Freiburg District Court HRB 371245
    VAT ID (§ 27a of Value Added Tax Act): DE 157432587

    Managing Director

    Alexander Münscher

    Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Ralf Zippelt


    Business consulting in the areas of accounting, controlling and information technology


    Individually negotiated agreements are made with the client to define the scope of work and remuneration.

    Eidel Valuation Assurance GmbH


    Berliner Straße 56

    77694 Kehl am Rhein


    Tel.: +49 7851 748-10

    Fax: +49 7851 748-190

    Legal form: Limited liability company, registered office; Kehl am Rhein Register Court Freiburg im Breisgau HRB 370427 Sales tax identification number (§ 27a UStG): DE 142215736

    Managing Director

    Dipl.-Kfm. Andreas Eidel Certified Public Accountant I Tax Consultant

    Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Michael Strickmann Certified Public Accountant I Tax Consultant

    The professional titles of auditor (WP) and tax consultant (StB) were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of the relevant professional regulations of the Auditors' Code (WPO) and the Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG).

    Recognition and professional supervision

    The Company is licensed as an auditing company under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    The competent supervisory authority for the company is the:

    Chamber of Auditors

    Corporation under public law

    Rauchstrasse 26

    10787 Berlin

    Règlementations professionnelles

    Les activités en tant qu’expert-comptable ou expert-comptable assermenté sont en particulier soumises aux règlementations professionnelles suivantes : Règlement des experts-comptables (WPO) ▪ Code de déontologie des experts-comptables / experts-comptables assermentés (BS WP / vBP) ▪ Statuts pour le contrôle de la qualité ▪ Ordonnance sur les scellés (OS) ▪ Ordonnance sur l'assurance responsabilité professionnelle des experts-comptables (WPBHV).

    Assurance responsabilité professionnelle

    La société souscrit l’assurance responsabilité professionnelle requise aux termes du § 54 WPO auprès de la compagnie HDI-Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherung AG, Riethorst 2, 30659 Hannover, Allemagne. Le montant de la couverture par sinistre s’élève à 1 000 000,00 euros. La portée géographique de la couverture d'assurance s'étend aux activités exercées en Europe et en Turquie.


    L'entreprise a pour objet les activités autorisées par la loi et la profession pour les sociétés d'audit, conformément à l'art. 2 en relation avec l'art. 43a al. 2 WPO. En font notamment partie : l'exécution de contrôles de comptes, la fourniture d'autres prestations de contrôle et de certification, le conseil en transactions économiques, y compris l'évaluation d'entreprises et de parts d'entreprises, ainsi que le conseil en assainissement, restructuration et succession d'entreprises.

    Informations sur la rémunération

    Les honoraires pour les services d'audit sont fixés dans le cadre d’une convention individuelle.

    Conditions générales de vente

    L’exécution des prestations par la société s'effectue sur la base des dispositions des « Conditions générales de mission pour les experts-comptables et les sociétés d'audit » (Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften, AAB WP) dans leur version respectivement en vigueur. Les AAB WP sont disponibles au siège de la société. Elles prévoient que seul le droit allemand s'applique aux relations contractuelles avec la société.

    Offices de conciliation

    En cas de litige entre la société et ses clients, il est possible, sur demande, de recourir à une conciliation extrajudiciaire auprès de l'Office de conciliation des experts-comptables (

    Mittelbadische Treuhand GmbH Treuhandgesellschaft

    Berliner Strasse 56
    77694 Kehl am Rhein
    Tel.: +49 7851 748-10
    Fax: +49 7851 748-190
    Form of organisation: Limited liability company
    Company headquarters: Kehl am Rhein
    Registration court: Freiburg District Court HRB 370219

    Managing Director

    Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Ralf Zippelt


    Trusteeship management of various kinds of assets


    Individually negotiated agreements are made with the client to define the scope of work and remuneration.


    (Responsible in the terms of german press law)

    Marketing / Communication

    Berliner Straße 56
    77694 Kehl am Rhein
    Tel.: +49 7851 748-182
    Fax: +49 7851 748-190